Friday, April 22, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: Things To Know For Your First Date

With all the guy/girl shit that I talk about I figured why not talk about things to know for a first date. First dates are extremely important because this is the first time you get to feel a person out and begin to see if they’re that same person you enjoy talking to through a text message. I will give you what both guys and girls need to know in order to not fuck up on the first date.

What Girls Need To Know:

BE READY ON TIME: First and foremost, when the guy tells you what time he is picking you up, make sure you are ready to walk out your front door at that time. If you live with your parents, tell them that if he makes it to a third date, that’s when he’ll actually come to the door. For the first date though, just be ready to walk out your door at the ETA (that’s Estimated Time of Arrival for all you geniuses out there).

Car Etiquette: Next, once in the car, ask a question about his car. Guys love their cars, and even if it’s a piece of shit, just ask a fucking question. This is a good conversation starter that will get him talking for a while, which will avoid the usual first date awkward silence.

Eat Something Of Substance: Please, if you’re going out to eat don’t order a fucking salad. Guys know what they’re getting themselves into by paying for you, and we would actually prefer it if you ate something other than a salad. There’s nothing to hide, you’re already on the date, just fucking eat like a human being not a bird.

Offer To Pay: Even though you know you’re not paying, just make the offer to pay for your own stuff. If a guy makes you pay, he’s a real prick who shouldn’t get a second date. But if you offer to pay for yourself, this tells a guy you’re independent enough to take care of yourself but you don’t mind a guy taking care of you every now and then.

Don’t Put Out: Don’t put out on the first date. Once you make it too easy for the guy, he’s gone. Play your cards right and make him work for it a little bit.

What Guys Need To Know:

Compliments, Compliments, Compliments: Compliment the girl on something. No matter what it is, just give her a compliment. Girls love compliments, plus it’ll loosen her up a little bit and make her more comfortable in conversation. Be a gentleman for once.

Table Etiquette: Let her sit down first, let her order first and always ask her if she wants anything else. If she says she doesn’t want dessert, you ask her if she’s sure she doesn’t want dessert. Don’t be a dick head; the night is mostly about her, not you. She always comes first. Remember that.

Whatever It Takes, Keep A Steady Convo: Make sure you ask questions and always have a topic to fall back on. Nothing turns a girl off more than a guy who can’t hold a conversation. She has to do her part to, but you need to make it happen for her. Be the guy from your text messages, keep up that good vibe. Get to know her, that’s why you’re on a date.

You’re Paying: You are paying the bill, no questions asked. You are the one taking her out; therefore you pay the fucking bill. If you’re a cheap fuck, don’t take her out, watch a movie in your house.

Take Her Home After: It’s the first date, this night is about getting to know her, not hopping in the sack. Go out and take her right home after. This way she knows you’re not just looking to get your dick wet. Use your heads fella’s.

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