Thursday, April 21, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: Why You Don't Want A College Girlfriend

Okay so I was actually trying my best to weigh out the pros and cons of having a girlfriend in college. However, I only had one pro and about thirteen cons, so I decided to turn it into what it’s like to have a girlfriend in college. Let me say one thing, it absolutely blows.

In case you were wondering the one pro that I came up with is obviously that you get unlimited poon all the time. This also has a con with it because it is the same poon all the time. Seriously, after about two weeks, guys get tired of the same old piece of vagina that they come home to every night. There is nothing good about it, and the more use you get out of it, the more beat up it gets. After the time period of six months to a year, that is one beat up looking vagina.

Now, here’s everything that sucks about having a girlfriend in college (no I do not have a girlfriend, but this is vast knowledge from all my friends who have had one). For the first con we have that at least one of the three days on the weekend are solely dedicated to her (it’s two out of four days if you consider Thursday the start to your weekend). Also, forget about your own dance moves when you go out because it’s just a night out of grinding up on that same old tired ass you’ve been grinding on for the time span of your relationship.

Also, if you’re at the same school as her, you’re probably going to end up in at least two classes per semester with her. That means all that free eye candy you get to look at when she’s not around is now no longer available. And if you have class with one of her friends, your whole life is fucked because her Russian Spies are watching you like a hawk every second of every day.

What about guys night out? There is no guys night out when you have a girlfriend. She takes it from you and makes you spend it with her. If you even think about going out with your friends, it’s a fight and no sex for at least a three day waiting period. You think I’m lying? Just wait, if you have a girlfriend it’ll all be dandy at the beginning. Once about the four month marker comes around all that is fine now becomes a grudge match to see who wears the pants.

So guys there you have it, if it’s possible, STAY SINGLE while you’re in college. You have plenty of time to be miserable later in your life, but from the years of 18-22, live it up and if you can’t fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch. End of story.

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