Monday, April 18, 2011

Now Presenting, The Newest Sport To Hit Cities Everywhere

The story just seemed like a real asshole guy ironing his clothes in the middle lane of a highway that was closed down. Then I read further and couldn't figure out if these people were joking around with what they said next. "It was all part of an extreme ironing stunt where people do a spot of ironing in bizarre or remote locations for fun." What? It gets better though. "According to the official website, extreme ironing is 'the latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt." They put the word EXTREME in front of it and suddenly it's a sport? Ironing is not a sport, even extreme ironing is not a sport. And since when is ironing considered extreme outdoor activity? What is going on in this world? This guy wasn't even being extreme by the way, he was ironing in the middle of a closed off highway. That's not really bad ass at all. And he was wearing like a night gown. There is nothing extreme about a dude wearing a night gown. As much as I hate to say this, cheerleading is more of a sport than extreme ironing, and that's saying a lot.

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