Saturday, April 16, 2011

Guys: How You Made It To The Friend Zone

Everyone knows about the infamous “friend zone” and yes, it is real. But what most people don’t understand is how they actually got there. Let’s not bullshit here, ninety percent of guy-girl friendships started because of attraction towards each other. You two met one night while you were drunk, exchanged numbers and then started talking. But what happened after that?

You see, when meeting a girl who you are attracted to, you only have a small window of opportunity to capitalize before you end up in the friend zone. How you get into the friend zone is by simply just talking and not making any move at all. You don’t ask to hang out, you don’t really ask about anything that would involve just the two of you, and suddenly she gets the signal that you just want to be friends. You have about two weeks to capitalize on this, if you don’t, you’re in the friend zone. Remember: A drunk text at 2am is coming on a bit too strong at first. Sexting only works if you have had sex before. Don’t try and jump the gun.

Also, if you start talking to a girl, NEVER mention your ex girlfriend, unless asked about her. The mention of the ex is a red flag that will make her back off as well as throw you into the friend zone. Also, if she does ask about your ex, don’t babble on; keep it short and to the point. She’s just testing you to see if you’re over it or not. If you fail this test, you become a friend. Not a friend who she drunk texts at 3am, a friend who she wants to go shopping for new outfits with. You do not want to be the gay best friend.

How do we avoid the friend zone? Move quickly, make it known that you’re actually interested in her in a “I want to have sex with you” kind of way. Ask her to go out just the two of you, even if it’s something small like grabbing coffee on a Tuesday night. You have to try anything to make it known that you don’t want to be just friends. Once you’re in the friend zone, there’s no getting out. Capitalize early, that way you’re not kicking yourself later on.

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