Monday, November 5, 2012

My Boy and His Girl Are Hands Down the Real Life Bonnie and Clyde

Alright, so I have this friend who when he drives gets the sickest road rage in the league. He rolls down his window and yells at people, challenges people to fights and will even tell people to pull over on the side of the road no matter where he is if they piss him off enough. Him in the car should literally be a reality TV show. 

Now I already knew that about him. I knew he was a sick fuck on the road. But I had no idea his girlfriend who looks so sweet and innocent was just like him when she's in the car with him. First they told me a story about how someone cut the gas station line and they both almost got into a fight with the person because my boy left his spot in line, drove all the way up to the person who cut, and then rolled down his window to start yelling at her. Then his girl told her that she was gonna fuck her day up too. But that was just a story. A great story, but I still wasn't a firsthand witness. 

Then there was Friday. We had to all drive from Jersey into Manhattan together because of the three person in the car rule. I rode in the back seat and got a nice view of how they really roll. It's almost like they're on the prowl for a fight like all the time. They both have the windows rolled down, they both scan the street to see what's up and if god forbid anything happens on the road they're both ready to fucking brawl. They're the real life Bonnie and Clyde at their finest. 

I was just sitting there in amazement because it was a beautiful sight to see. These two are always jacked up and always ready for a fight. You can't not love it. So if you're ever driving around North Jersey and Manhattan and you see a couple with their windows rolled down looking like they're about to enter a tag team fight to the death cage match, that's my boy and his girl. They're the real life Bonnie and Clyde and they don't take shit from anyone. You gotta appreciate the intensity. 

1 comment:

  1. All I read was "These two are always jacked up and always ready for a fight" and I instantly had suspicions about who this was about. Lo and behold, I was right, gotta love those crazy kids
