Friday, November 23, 2012

How Does He Get Girls? He Lies

Men, we're all so clever. At least some of us are. I was listening to someone speak about how they get girls the other night and I thought to myself it may be sleezy, but it may also be genius. All he started off his sentence with was, "How do I get girls? I fucking lie."

And that's when he went into elaborating what he was talking about. How many women has he had sex with? He tells every girl no more than two. Has he ever told a girl he loves her? He tells every girl no. Does he want a relationship? If that's the only way he's gonna bang her right now, yes he does. It's sleezy, but it's brilliant.

Why? Because women are extremely gullible when it comes to men. They don't want to be considered sluts, but they're just as horny as men are. Therefore, all they need is some type of reassurance, aka hearing what they want to hear, and their pants are off faster than the Jets can give up 21 points. Ninety percent of women will tell you that a guy is a dick because he lied to her, told her he really liked her, and then she banged him and never spoke to him again. Did you think that was an accident? That was planned.

So how do most men get women? They fucking lie. Why? Because a woman might believe anything if she's in the right mood. All it takes is a bit of sounding sincere and it's in the bag. Just remember ladies, it's never an accident. The only way you're gonna know if he meant what he said is if he speaks to you the next day. Other than that, there's no real way of knowing if he's for real, you're pretty much just rolling the dice. It's the circle of life, or dating.

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