Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Happened To My Carpet?

Drunk Story by Jimmy (Staten Island)

Here is the epic journey of my 19th birthday.

This was during my one "semester abroad" as I like to call it, at Stetson University in Florida. My birthday fell on a Saturday, so my plans the whole week were to drink on that Saturday. I think we had made plans to go to Orlando for dinner and then a night out. So Friday started out innocent enough, me and my buddies Will, Ryan and Steve went to one of their frat brother’s off campus houses…We brought a 30 rack over and casually drank....As the night went on and people discovered it was my birthday at midnight it quickly turned into let's hit up the bars at 12…And we did. I remember getting a free shot at Halftimes then a couple drinks

At this point I'm basically normal drunk, this is where it got bad. Once we went across the street to the next bar, my friends Steve and Ryan decided to try and kill me by buying me a number of shots that none of us ever heard of…The story goes, when Steve was going to buy my last shot the bartender said, "He (me) hasn't thrown up yet?" And I didn’t, so the bartender says to Steve, Give him this and if he doesn't throw up ill give u a free drink.” The shot was a cement mixer and buffalo sweat (look it up, disgusting). By now I vaguely remember being outside and putting my 2 for 1 beers on the ground. And I told some weird blind or deaf lady who was picking up empty drinking mugs not to touch mine because I was still drinking them.

The crowd gathered around me as I took the shot to see if I’d hurl and I didn't. But then the lady went to take my beers and I kind of shooed her off and yelled at her (guess I feel bad now). So anyways, after that I blacked out...I woke up the next morning and remember I kind of smelled, so I took a shower, then I messed around on facebook for a little. After that I went to get some breakfast. I called my family for bday wishes then went back to the room in a daze. As I sat on my laptop I still kind of smelled the smell that I woke up to. I looked down at my Florida Gators rug and saw it…I had spewed all over the floor. How the fuck did I not notice that? How the fuck do I not remember doing that? During lunch, Steve told me I told off some girl too. I was like oh the deaf lady right? He's like no, Lauren Toth (I think her name was). I never met this girl and I still to this day haven't. Supposedly the girl had a rep as a bitch and she was complaining about something to a group of girls I knew and I went over to her, stuck my hand in her face and said, "Bitch you need to shut the fuck up" and walked away.

The Saturday plans were completely shot, I couldn't drink anything alcoholic, I passed out on a pool float during the day and when I went out that night I was drinking a coke…Just a coke. Random women (not girls) older women were coming up to me saying, “Heyyy babe, crazy night last night right??...Absolutely ridiculous. I never have and never will get that drunk again...Sadly and gladly there are no pics from that night.

Jim, you have no idea how badly I wish there were pics from that night. It sounds to me like the college version of the hangover, except you didn't go home with 80 g's. 

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