Monday, September 26, 2011

Drunk Texting Has Gotten A Whole Lot Easier

You know the deal when you wake up after a long night of drinking and check your text inbox for things you may or may not have said to people last night. Then you just see the names and say to yourself, "Fuck, why did I text that person last night?" It happens to all of us, it's not the end of the world, you can usually lie your way out of it. But I did notice something different when I checked my inbox after this weekend (which obviously means that I went on a drunk texting spree). 

What I noticed was that if you have a technologically advanced cell phone, drunk texting has gotten a whole lot easier with something known as auto correct. Back in the day when I was a rookie drunk texter, my cell phone was shit, and I had to type things out using the numbers, and just everything was shit. I tried the old T9 thing that the shitty cell phones had, but it was a complete pain in the ass. And then suddenly, I got an upgrade to a cell phone with auto correct in my text messaging. 

My rate of misspelled words when I was a young drunk texter was easily one word out of every three was misspelt. Looking at my texts from this weekend, where I am now an experienced seasoned veteran in the drunk texting league, I was almost perfect. Do you know how much easier that makes it for the person you're texting to understand what you're trying to say to them? If you are an avid drunk texter, this is one of the greatest things to ever happen to you. 

Drunk texting is something that if done right, can score you some big time points. If you have an out of date cell phone, get an upgrade. It'll make trying to find a booty call so much easier. And I will be talking more about booty calls later today. 

Sidenote: If you are a guy who is an avid drunk texter, don't send out more than three drunk texts in one night. Women talk a lot and sometimes you'll fuck up and drunk text two women who live in the same house or apartment. You don't want that to happen. Therefore, set up a depth chart before the night starts of only three women then switch it up every time you know you're gonna drunk. Just giving you guys some advice. 

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