Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Butter Face

One of the most depressing things in this world is when you see a girl from the back and you realize she has a tremendous ass and a skinny waist. Then you work your way up to the side and she has a pretty nice sized rack as well. This could be the hottest girl you have ever seen. Now you have to get to the face. You move ahead and her hair finally moves away from her face and you automatically want to throw up on the spot. 

What happened? You have been mind fucked by the butter face. We all know the butter face. That girl where everything is good, but her face. It is probably the most depressing thing on the face of the earth. This girl would be a ten if it wasn't for her face. Now because her face looks like someone emptied a ten gallon tank of hydrochloric acid all over of it she's only a five. 

Now can you do a butter face? Of course you can, especially after something like twelve shots of Jager, you can do pretty much anyone you want. But just remember that when you wake up the next morning, that ten you think you just banged is gonna roll over looking like the wicked witch of the west. If you're gonna get with a butter face, just make sure it's at her place so you can sneak out in the morning. Or just talk her into wearing a paper bag like the girl in the picture above, but unless she has absolutely no respect for herself, I doubt that'll ever come close to happening. 

Sidenote: Can we find a name for a male butter face? I've been thinking since my friend brought it up to me and I haven't come up with anything. Someone get back to me on this one either with an email or a comment. 

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