Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Are You Rockin' Down South?

If you don't find dirty things funny, then this probably isn't for you. But have you ever wondered what type of hair people are rockin' down south? I have a dirty mind so I think about shit like this. So I am going to give you the different types of styles and you figure out which one you rock. Comments would be appreciated on this one, and you can comment under anonymous if you're not "comfortable".

The Bald Eagle: Cleanly shaved area, softer than a baby's ass. Not a fan of hair of any sort, and when you're in bed with someone you want them totally shaved as well. For women this is preferred, for guys you look like a twelve year old kid. 

The V Design: This is a big time female style. The hair gets thinly shaved in the shape of a V. It's actually kind of sexy, but it's a big thing on porn stars. Any girl who has this is definitely a freak. Any guy who has it, well, you can figure it out. 

The Bacon or Landing Strip: I like to call it the bacon strip where others call it the landing strip. Another big thing on women it's not much of a design but some like to leave a little bit there. When it's nice and neat it doesn't look bad. 

The Initials: This is for people who are pretty much out of their minds. Anyone who shaves their own initials into their pubic region definitely has some mental issues. Some guys do this because they think it looks cool, but really it just makes you look like a jerkoff. 

The Bush: It was big back in the day, before shaving or trimming was invented, and some people think it's making a comeback. If you're into the bush then more power to you, but it's not my cup of tea. Plus there is no way of having a clean bush. It just doesn't happen. 

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