Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dude Is So Far In The Friend Zone He Doesn't Even Know It

We've all seen this poor bastard before. That fucking guy who is so far into the friend zone that he doesn't even realize it. He's like the undercover cop who's so deep in his cover that he actually believes he's his character. That's this guy. The friend zone guy just always hoping that he's gonna end up like the ending of that romantic comedy where the good guy friend gets the girl. Little does he know, real life isn't the fucking movies. 

Let me explain something to you. You're nothing to this girl. You're just a friend. You are bubble wrap. What you really are is a complete non sexual entity in her eyes. Why do you think she talks to you about those asshole guys? Because she knows you're gonna tell her how beautiful she is and boost her self esteem. It's not because she actually wants to have sex with you. 

When you're in the friend zone you really have no way out. The only real way out would be to stop talking to her all together and then maybe, just maybe when you see her out down the road she thinks differently of you. But in reality, it's never gonna happen. You are a not the thought that comes into her mind when she's feeling horny. You're the thought that comes into her mind when she wants to go grab lunch or frozen yogurt. You're basically a gay guy, you're just in love with her. 

All she wants from you is the attention. She knows that you will do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Therefore she likes having you around. Let me guess, you think she's interested because you two go to lunch together? Lunch dates are the ultimate sign of the friend zone. Snap out of the spell bro, it's never gonna happen. Just get out now while you still have your dignity. If not, you're gonna be the guy sitting in the corner of the party with your hand on your dick as you watch that girl of your dreams grind all over some asshole guy's cock. The facts are the facts. 

1 comment:

  1. Its like you've turned into her brother...or a lamp.
