Thursday, August 30, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award

If you're a disgruntled co worker what should you do? A) Go talk to your boss about why you're disgruntled, B) Talk to other co workers before making a decision, C) Quit, D) Drive a bulldozer into the building and just completely fuck shit up causing $1.5 million worth of damage? If you chose D, you are today's winner. How disgruntled does a co worker have to be to actually go to the level of driving a bulldozer through the building? I think you need to see a therapist guy because there's a good chance you're gonna end up being the guy holding up traffic on the bridge because you're standing there deciding whether or not you wanna jump during rush hour. Here's your t-shirt, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.

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