Tuesday, August 21, 2012

C U Next Tuesday's: Stories Of Your Cunt Ex Girlfriends

Story from Charles (Coastal Carolina): 
"My ex girlfriend and I probably had the most unhealthy relationship in the history of relationships. Good sex only gets you so far and when the bitch is as crazy as this one was, it doesn't even matter after a certain point. The thing was that she wouldn't just fight with me in private, she would make public SCENES out of our fights. And me capitalizing the word scenes is no exaggeration, this was the craziest bitch anyone has ever dealt with and everyone on our campus knew it. I will never forget the night I'm about to describe to you. We were at a house party and I told her to slow down with the drinking because she was getting a little too drunk. You know when you tell a girl something nicely and she over reacts? Yeah, that was this. She started screaming at me in front of everyone telling me that I can't tell her what to do and that I can go fuck myself. She then proceeded to punch me in the stomach and spit in my face. I just start walking away and she keeps following yelling at me. I turned around and told her to back the fuck up and get the fuck away from me. I thought she did but she was still chasing me. As I walked out the back door I flung the screen door shut and hit her with it and she fell to the floor. I didn't know she was behind me, but needless to say she had it coming to her. We broke up two weeks later because I just couldn't take the madness anymore. Great fuck, but way too crazy." 

Sounds like a real classy broad you had yourself there. No worries bro, it happens to the best of us. We all go through the I'm trying to change this slutty hoe stage at some point in our lives. It always ends up the same way though, she remains a hoe. I can't say that she didn't have the door coming to her. You thought she stayed in the house, but of course she didn't listen. You slammed the door out of frustration and karma punched her in the mouth. It happens, whatever. Point here is that no matter what at some point the great sex can't be the only thing you're holding on to. At some point crazy just gets too crazy. But at least you get a good story out of it.

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