Friday, April 20, 2012

Where In Women's Genes Does It Say That They Must Watch Terrible Television?

So is there a law that states that women must watch terrible TV at all times or is it just in their genes that forces them to do it. Has anyone ever watched the shows that some of these chicks watch? If you've sat through one, you've sat through enough. Wanting to rip your hair out isn't even on your mind. What is mainly on your mind is how the fuck do they think this is good? 

Let's start with some examples. Everything that has a vagina somehow loves pale white guys who act as vampires that have a heart. I'm referring to things like True Blood and Twilight. First of all, vampires don't have hearts. Vampires just kill people and turn them into vampires. Therefore, the whole premise of these shows and movies are stupid right off the bat. Those are the first line of stupidity that women watch.

Next, anything with groups of dumb women seems to be a fan favorite here. What is it like that Gossip Girl shit, Greys Anatomy and fucking Desperate Housewives. What do they all have in common? Groups of dumb women doing groups of dumb women things. It's the worst drama ever. It's just women doing what women do. Talking shit behind each other's backs, being nice to each other in person and occasionally someone dies. How is your life gonna be any different if you don't sit down and watch these retarded shows every Tuesday or Thursday or whatever day of the week it is. 

Finally, let's go to reality television. Preferably things like Jersey Shore and Mob Wives. Is watching dumb italians on television really all you have to look forward to with your day? I can actually look into your eyes and watch you get dumber as you watch these dumb fucking things. And then some of you say things like that you'd want to hang out with Snooki and JWOW. I would rather get blown by a fucking alligator than hang out with Snooki and/or JWOW any day of the week and twice on Sunday. You need your fucking head examined. 

Am I over exaggerating a little bit here? Probably not. And I don't even have to go into romantic comedy movies here because all I have to tell you is that real life is not like those stupid fucking movies, grow up, and if a guy doesn't call you he's not playing games, he really just doesn't want to talk to you and is not interested. Since you're gonna ask me what good TV is now that I have written this, I'll leave it at this. Since what all you women watch is stupid, good TV is probably anything that you don't watch. Have a great day. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely right ... the real housewives shows and anything else on bravo are the worst
