Tuesday, April 24, 2012

C U Next Tuesday's: Stories Of Your Cunt Ex Girlfriend's

Story from Marvin (Rutgers)

"For this day I could honestly tell you that I wish I was dead. I had gone with my girlfriend at the time to the jewelry store to get her ring fixed and refitted or whatever. Now we get there and she's already giving the guy an attitude right off the bat. So now the guy fixes the ring to fit her and it looks like complete shit and here we go. She starts to lose it on this guy and this guy is not backing down he's fighting right back. I guess this was my call to step in. I step in and I start calming her down and I try to talk calmly to the guy about the entire situation. I'm just trying to help out and keep the peace before he really fucks this ring up. Finally, she storms out of the store. I get in the car and she's just looking at me. Obviously I ask the dumb question of if she's okay and she tells me she's so pissed off at me because I didn't stick up for her inside. Which by the way, I did. Doesn't talk to me the entire ride home and into later that night. Just a cunt being a cunt at her finest. I wish I was dead for this."

Nothing like a girl who starts a fight just for the sake of starting a fight. Gotta love it.

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