Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reader Email: Do I Text My Ex Girlfriend On Her Birthday?

Reader Email from Steve (Connecticut) 

"My ex girlfriend and I ended on not terrible terms but not great terms. We broke up in the fall and haven't seen each other since. My mother got sick a couple of months back and everyone has texted me asking me how she is, including the friends of my ex girlfriend. The only person who didn't text me was her. Now with her birthday coming up I don't know whether to just shoot her a text saying happy birthday, or if I shouldn't even say anything at all. What's your thoughts on this?" 

I'll tell you right now, everyone is going to be telling you that she doesn't even deserve your time, and quite honestly she doesn't. That's the biggest cunt move anyone could ever pull. Even if you two hated each other she should've still had the decency to text you to ask how your mother was. With that being said, I would say that you just text her the words "Happy Birthday" nothing less, nothing more. Why? Because she's gonna see that text from you and her heart is gonna sink into her stomach. She's gonna feel like the biggest piece of shit on this planet when she reads that. She might even try and text you and start a conversation back. You don't respond. Your job is done. It's totally up to you and even though she doesn't even deserve you being the bigger person in this situation, wouldn't it make you feel awesome knowing that your ex girlfriend feels like a piece of shit on the street corner? You can do what you want, but that's what I'd do. Why? Because I'm a spiteful fuck. 

Readers, what's your thoughts on this situation? Should my man Steve text her just what I said, or should he just not even bother? Give me some comments. 


  1. I texted my ex after midnight around 1230 after her birthday was over. Nothing more nothing less and that's even being more spiteful.

  2. Don't even bother. An eye for an eye. Forget about being "better than her" and making her feel like shit. Where does that get you? NOTHING.

    Okay, so what happens if you do text her 'Happy Birthday,' but she ignores that? Do you still think you made her feel like shit or is it the other way around since she didn't even respond to your thoughtful message?

    The thought of even texting your ex-girlfriend just shows her that you still think about her. Let it go.

  3. Above comment from "Wise Man"
