Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friends With Benefits: Who Gets More Attached, Daddy's Rebuttal

Well played B Slata, well played. However, I'm here to tell all you Justin Timberlake loving bitches that it's you who gets more attached during the friends with benefits agreement. While B Slata made some good points, there are a couple of things that she failed to bring up. 

First and foremost, she must've been talking about a small percentage of guys who actually get attached. Any smart guy in a friends with benefits agreement knows that you treat the girl like exactly what she is, a friend who you fuck whenever you're both available. I mean let's be smart here, you don't text or call this girl because you want to hang out. You text her when you're hammered at 2am to come over, have sex and then be on her merry way. We keep it as a girl that we're just fucking, it's the girls who actually think we're interested because we give them the attention of texting them. Once you give a girl attention, she magically thinks you want more than what it is. 

The second point mentioned I believe was jealousy. You want to talk about jealousy? WOMEN ARE THE MOST JEALOUS CREATURES TO EVER WALK THE PLANET! And that isn't even an opinion, that is a fact. When a girl goes out and sees a guy she's interested in with someone else, the first comment out of her mouth is always something along the lines of trashing the girl he's with. Add being drunk on top of that and you're in for a battle it out like you're in a relationship type of fight. But guess what? The guy doesn't give a fuck, you're just the chick that he fucks, you're not his girlfriend. You might think that he had plans to make you his girlfriend, but look at the evidence here. He doesn't text you earlier than midnight, he's drunk 95% of the time, and the only place you hang out is his or your bedroom. What are you really? 

Although guys might fall harder and faster, guys also have the ability to put up that wall to separate that friend with benefits from someone we actually like. If we're fucking you it doesn't mean we enjoy spending time with you. We just enjoy fucking you. A guy is never gonna ask his friend with benefits for anything more than sex. And if you're on the don't ask, don't tell basis, the guy really doesn't give a shit. He can stop talking to you at the drop of a hat. Fella's, you have anything else to add to this? 


  1. You make some valid points, but it sounds like you're talking about your booty calls. Friends with benefits is someone you would also hang out with when you're not at a 10 on a scale of 1 to drunk. In situations where you are actually friends with the girl as well as fucking her I have to agree with B Slata because when a guy thinks he couldn't make you his whenever he wants he will go nuts.

  2. Very interesting points - on both sides.

    Since I am a man (yes, my name isn't the Wise Man for nothing), one of the many things both genders know is that men love to have sex. Whether we are in relationships, friends with benefits, or even paying for it, we love to chow down on some vagina. You ever wonder why guys get into so many relationships in such a short period of time? It isn't because he's trying to find his soulmate. However, it's because he loves new vagina and doesn't like to work for it when he is single. Women love to have sex as well, possibly even more than men, but men aren't afraid to come forward and admit what we want. Plus, women know how to hide their horniess far better than men ever could.

    The interesting point in this discussion, on both sides, is jealousy. I must agree with Steve, women do get more jealous than men - in all aspects of life. Women can be jealous at a man because they desire them, or at another woman for being attractive. Why do you think it takes so long for women to get ready? It's not because they want to feel beautiful by their significant other (they can give a shit less by the way - if you're with them, they automatically expect for their man to make them feel beautiful). It's because they want to look hotter than all of the other women in the place. For them, that's reaching the pinnacle of their weekend.

    Back to jealousy, when a girl gets screwed over by a guy, what does she USUALLY do? (Yes, USUALLY, not 100% of the time) Depending on how much she likes him and/or depending on her mental stability, she will either break down and sob or get even and bring another guy back. Most likely it will be the first one because she does not want to be labeled as a whore or slut. JEALOUSY

    Now flip the dynamic, when a guy gets screwed over by a girl, what does he USUALLY do? Depending on how much he likes her and/or depending on how much balls he has, he will either get pissed and try to fight the guy (which makes absolute no sense) or he will get even and try to bring another girl back.

    Now when you read this, I did not list the guy sobbing because if a guy sobs over a girl, he deserves a swift kick in the ballsack and therefore not a man to begin with. So the most likely choice would be the second one. Does that action seem like a response out of jealousy? I don't think so.

    Good day, everyone.

    - Wise Man
