Friday, April 13, 2012

It Really Wasn't Good Seeing You Again...

Doesn't everyone have that person that they don't care if they see ever again in their life? Like if that person got hit by a bus tomorrow you really wouldn't care that much and wouldn't even check to make sure they're still alive. And then when you finally see them in person again it's all down hill from there. Because they like you, you just don't like them. 

For instance, women do this all the time. Say they go to a bar and someone is there who they haven't seen in awhile. They put on the fake smile and fake a whole conversation for no more than three minutes. Anything over three minutes is just a slow form of torture. They talk quickly and both move on with fake smiles. 

And then comes the end of the night. It's time to say goodbye and the fake smiles come back out and are always followed by, "Well, it was good seeing you again." WHO ARE YOU ALL KIDDING?! You both hate each other for whatever reason, and now you're faking this like Barry Bonds faked his home run record. At least have the balls to say, "It really wasn't good to see you again." Or throw in an, "I hate your fucking guts." They might throw a hissy fit at the time, but they'll respect the shit out of you when all is said and done. 

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