Thursday, September 1, 2011

We'll Let You Play Judge On This One

We're gonna let you be the judge of this one on your own. However, from the looks of things, it looks like a police officer tasered a compliant mentally challenged dude. The guy was just standing there with his hands up and he got lit up. Now there's a lot going on in this video so try and pay attention. Even some lady with like 3 teeth tries to jump in at the end and throw in her two cents. Listen lady, how about you stop speaking and take a long overdue trip to the dentist. Some dentures never hurt anyone. As for you Mr. Officer, you can't just go around tazing tards bro. You should be able to figure out he's not all there when you're talking to him. Plus your outside of like a Denny's. What could this guy possibly be doing outside of a Denny's that warrants getting tasered? I think you need to take your job a little less seriously. And the only way to do that is to give you a specialty Asshole Of The Day Award t-shirt. It's already on the way. 

And here's a little lesson for you from Stu, from The Hangover (before he gets his soda of course):

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