Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Picking Up Women After College...

If you're a guy who's still in college then you have no idea how great you have it. When it comes to picking up women, you have it made. I mean really, how easy is it to pick up girls in college? You watch them get drunk, you talk to them, you dance with them, then you go home with them. It's like fishing with dynamite. But what happens when you finally get moved up to the big leagues. Your tricks from single A aren't going to work. You definitely need to make adjustments. 

In college, it's all about being smooth and being able to hold a conversation with a girl. But that's the extent of it. When you're out of college, the conversation is part of it, but the biggest thing is what the conversation consists of. You can't be talking about class or what you did the weekend before. These conversations are now actual conversations. When girls are done with college, they want to actually get to know you. They're not jumping in the sack with you if they don't know at least a little bit about you. So what does the conversation need to consist of?

First of all, you need a job. If you don't have a job, make up a job that you know something about or just act like you know what you're talking about. Either way, you need to say that you're employed. Women don't want to go home with or exchange numbers with a guy who collects unemployment every week. I know that you are definitely not going to care what she does for a living, but at least pretend that you do. 

How old are you? This is a big question. I always go for asking them first before I give my age. Once you're out in the real world, it's a level playing field. Unless someone looks significantly older than everyone, you really can't tell how old people are. If you're young and around the age of 22, and the girl says she's 27, you say you're 25. It's very believable, and girls won't know that you're not 25 unless you tell them that you have a job no 25 year old would have. Something like you being the boss at some company. There's not a 25 year old around who's the boss of a company, make sure your job is believable. 

Finally, you have to have a place to stay that's your own. You might live with your parents, but you can't actually tell women that. Women don't want to have sex with a guy while his parents are sleeping upstairs. Say you have your own place, it's very nice, but you don't take people back there on the first night. She will find that very admirable. Besides, that's what her place is for just in case you need to sneak out in the morning. Also, make up a believable location of where your fake apartment is. If you say you're in a really rich area, she's probably not going to believe you. 

There you have it, picking up women after college consists of a fake job, a fake age, and a fake apartment. If you have those three fake things, then you're set. If you don't have those three fake things, than you're going to run into the longest dry spell of your life. Sometimes you have to lie to get what you want. And if you want to get laid after college, you have to lie and lie hard. 

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