Friday, September 2, 2011

I Think I Met My Match

I hate to break the news so publicly, but I think I met my match last night. Basically because she did to me what I would have probably done to her. Which is make up an excuse of why I can't talk to you anymore and then go on my merry way. It's a bad habit, but to each his own. If you have been a victim of this, I apologize, it's nothing personal. 

Anyway, this girl from last night just might have been the coolest girl I've ever met. Why? Because her way of making her move to talk to me was grabbing my face and pouring her glass of vodka down my throat. Straight vodka. And not the good stuff like Belvedere or Ketel One. I'm talking like crappy ass house vodka. If you're going to try and start talking to someone while you're out, there's no better way than bribing them with alcohol. Although it wasn't really a bribe, it was more like necessary force. 

This was her way of starting a conversation, which was awesome. Then her friend said she needed to go to the bathroom, so she went with her friend. You never believe the girl when she says, "I'll be right back." You just don't. Why? Because they never actually come back. I was expecting to not see her for the rest of the night, but five minutes later I got a tap on my shoulder, and it was her. I was in awe. 

So we're dancing, having a good time and then she says, "I'm going with my friend to get a drink." Now I'm thinking that there is definitely no chance in hell that she's coming back. It might have happened once, but it never happens twice. What happened next was what separated her from every other girl I have ever spoken to. She left to go get a drink with her friend. She didn't ask me if I wanted anything. She came back, which shocked me, AND she brought me a drink. I didn't ask for one, she didn't ask me if I wanted one, but she brought me one anyway. I fell in love right there. 

Everything was great after that. We were really talking, shit was going good. Suddenly, it was time to leave. I asked her if I could get her number and she shook her head at me. Now I was confused. When I asked why, she responded with, "I'm leaving for Madrid in three days. It's pointless." What made me want to actually propose to her right then and there was that it was the perfect answer. Even if she was telling the truth, she had the perfect response. Because getting her number would have been pointless. Why? Because it probably would have fallen apart anyway. That was my match, and I will never see her again. And you know what? I am perfectly okay with that. 

Sidenote: For any interested ladies I pretty much just told you how to woo me. Don't forget it.  

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