Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How Do You Manage This?

So you get a arrested and get a DUI, and then once you're released you decide to get back in your car, and drive again. What happens? Well, if you're this guy, you get arrested again, by the same officer. How the fuck do you manage two DUI's in the same night? If you weren't sober enough the first time, I'm pretty sure you're not sober enough fifteen minutes later. He claims he only had two or three beers and just wanted to drive his new car home. Alright bro, you blew double the legal limit, there is no way you only had two or three beers blowing double the legal limit. You must have had two or three beers in the past thirty minutes maybe. Come up with a better excuse, or just say you had no other option of getting home so you had to do what you had to do. Give us a little better effort than that. I'll give you a D minus for your sorry ass excuse and for being dumb enough to get caught twice in the same night. Nice job, dick.

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