Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five Things Girls Do In The Fall...

It's the fall season! And I have been inspired by the fall season and facebook, to write this post called Five Things Girls Do In The Fall. Every fall, girls constantly do these five things. You may think I'm wrong, but I'm usually right. If you have other things that girls do in the fall, please add to this list by commenting.

1) Complain about how they miss the summer: Every fall always starts with girls complaining for at least three weeks straight about how much they miss the summer. "Wish I was on a beach, instead I'm in class FML," or a quote along those lines is the norm around this time of year. News flash, everyone wishes it was still summer, we just don't broadcast it to the world.

2) Pretend to be football fans: Yes, there are some girls who actually know what they're talking about when it comes to football. If you are one of those women, then this isn't about you. But the majority of women do not have a clue what is going on while watching a football game. Women love to hop on bandwagons when teams are doing good, just to say they're a fan and wear a small skimpy jersey. If at bare minimum you can't name six players on offense and six players on defense, you're not a real fan.

3) Start making plans for Thanksgiving Eve: It's not even October, stop asking everyone what they're doing two months from now. I'm gonna tell you that I don't know what I'm doing on Thanksgiving Eve until the day before, so stop asking me. Why are you worrying about this fake holiday anyway. We already know you're getting drunk somewhere, so worry about it when the time comes. Worry about Halloween first. Which brings me to number four.

4) Wear something slutty on Halloween: Yes, Halloween is everyone's favorite holiday, especially women. Why? Because women can get away with dressing like sluts, and guys love looking at girls dressed like sluts. Everybody wins. If girls don't dress like a slut, they feel like it's not a good costume. I have no idea why, but I'll look at them all night long.

5) Start the Christmas countdown: This might be the most annoying thing that girls do in the fall season. Why do you need to start a Christmas countdown in the middle of September? We all know when Christmas is, you don't need to count it down for us. Guys hate Christmas over the age of fifteen because all we get are clothes that we barely wear. You know when the Christmas countdown starts? The day after Thanksgiving. So until then, no one wants to hear about how far away Christmas is.

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