Thursday, September 8, 2011

College Juniors: Your Priority List For Your Junior Year

Alright Juniors, you and the Sophomores don't get a top 10 list, mainly because you're not overly important. People only really care about Seniors and Freshman, but I still like you guys. You get a priority list, although ten things won't be on it, they're important. Pay attention.

Set up your living environment: First thing's first. You are most likely living in a house or an apartment this year. Guys, set up some comfortable surroundings for females, they love that shit. If a guy could bang a woman in a card board box, he wouldn't buy a house. Make that shit comfortable. Ladies, don't go overly crazy with keeping your place clean. You're going to drink there, it's inevitable that you'll have people over, and the place will get dirty. Keep it clean, but don't pull your hair out doing it.

Find other friends with houses and apartments and start a rotation: What do I mean by this? Don't have the party at your place every week. That's how your house gets destroyed. Get your other friends who have houses and rotate each week. A good number would be three houses (you and two others). That way it's at your place every three weeks and you know when it's definitely at your place. Spur of the moment parties always suck.

Get the bills sorted out early: If you're off campus, the hardest adjustment will be the bills. If you have one person who can handle all of them, that's fine. But if you can have one person do gas, one do cable, and one to electric, it works out better. You're usually not chasing each other down for money that way.

Eat home as much as possible: Eating out costs a lot of money. You're in college, chances are that you're broke. It's a lot cheaper to go and buy food at the store and make it at home. Plus it saves you a ton of money so that you don't have to buy the cheap alcohol every week. Drinking Dubra and Popov for so long takes a toll on you.

Your bedroom is for you: When you're in your room, it's you time. There shouldn't be a party in your bedroom every night. That's what the living room is for. It's not the dorms anymore, you live in a nicer, bigger setting. No one goes in your room without asking or without you inviting them in. It's for you to relax and have sex in, and that's it. That's just the way it is.

Develop you house/apartment reputation: Do you want to be the pre game house? Or do you want to be the party house? Whichever one you want to be, develop it early that way people know the deal. Sometimes pre game houses can be more fun than party houses. And pre game houses usually turn into the bar after party houses as well.

No matter what, have the back of everyone in your house: You're going to get into a fight with someone in your house this year, it's inevitable, you're always gonna be around each other, it happens. Trust me, you get over it quickly. No matter what though, you have to go to bat for everyone you live with at all times. Always have each others back.

When the party's over, it's over: When the party ends at your place, don't try to keep it hanging on. You'll know when it's over. When it is, get everyone out except the member of the opposite sex you are trying to get with. If they're that hammered, you have it in the bag. Speaking of bag, make sure you always use them.

Alright Juniors, you're not that much of misfits, you get eight priorities for your list. Remember these, and hold on to them. Also, keep the Seniors list from yesterday and store it in a safe place. That will come in handy next year. Have a good year and live it up, you're halfway done. Before you know it, it's gonna be over.

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