Thursday, June 2, 2011

Classy Ladies...

Post by Quite-Frank-ly:

The biggest turnoff and the most unattractive thing a female can possibly do is ......... Talk about how drunk they are/were and how hungover they are/were. Here are the reasons why. First, starting with them being drunk. I am not talking about if you're looking for a piece of ass for the night here guys. Say your interested in a chick and she tells you to meet her out with her friends. You go and shes pounding shots, guzzling beers, and sipping on some shit you never heard of. First off, she told you to come, you would think she would want to talk to you. No, she is too busy drinking like it's her first time. By the time the night is rolling to an end, you see her struggling to walk and talk. Now that's fucking sexy isn't it!! Don't get me wrong, I see no problem with having a few belts to loosen up and take the edge off, but Jesus H. Christ know your limit and keep it classy. Most of you chicks have been drinking since you're 14, 15, 16 years old and are now in your twenties. If this was professional sports, you would be considered a veteran and should know how to navigate the waters by now. But you don't, every night out you go out and get obliterated like you're doing it for the first time and you think its cool. Don't you just love going to bed with the spins, not knowing what the hell you did, how the hell you got home, or even where you were. That's so much fun!!!!! When I see a girl talk about here disgraceful night out, I immediately think "yea she threw up all over the place". Let me say, when I envision that I do NOT think of you in the greatest light.

Now if this chick is your girl, it's even worse. You go out together and missy only can think about having a few drinks. And by a few I mean as many as she can possibly drink before taking a dirt nap. Cutting to the chase, you are out with your girlfriend and she is bombed!! This means you have to take care of her and the rest of your night is shot. Potentially, some clothing will be ruined due to some projectile vomit. If this happens like once, no big deal. If this happens like every fucking week, cut the chick loose. As a guy I wanna enjoy myself out, not worry about a chick puking up the world or falling or hitting her head or whatever. You have nothing to prove, obviously you show some sort of potential for a guy to be interested enough to be with you, why make a fool of yourself. It's immature, grow up. Nothing is more of a turnoff than an chick who is immature.

Pleaseeeeeeeee do not talk about your hangover. I have seen myself in the mirror when I have a hangover. I look like death sucked the life out of me and then beat the piss out of me. Talking about it only makes third party individuals visualize the way you look hungover. Unless you're a 20 out of 10 and the hangover brings you down to a 15, of course. The hangover easily knocks 4 to 5 points off your rating. For you not so bright ones, if you're a 7 (and be honest, most of you know where you fall) that makes you like a 2 or a 3. That's ugly. To review the ratings; 1-3 is ugly, 4-5 is "ehh", 6-7 is pretty, 8-9 is gorgeous and 10 is smoking. My point is if you are a 10 you still look pretty crappy hungover. Don't talk about it publicly. Thank you

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