Friday, June 24, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Kids these days, they are just so stupid. Some asshole carrying weed thought he was just going to have a good time while taking a joyride out of his buddies sunroof. Little did he know that they were being followed by a police car. When the police turned the sirens on, he throws the bag of weed away. Now, if the police car is behind you, what direction should you throw the bag of weed in? Is it A) to your left, B) to your right, C) directly behind you so you can make sure you hit the police car with your illegal narcotics, or D) anywhere but C? If you chose A, B, or D, you are correct. Unfortunately for this moron, he chose choice C, and the bag of weed landed on the hood of the police car. Long story short, he gets charged with possession of marijuana. Ladies and gentlemen this is brilliance at its finest. You earned this t-shirt big guy, you put in some hard working stupidity for this one, have a lovely day.

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