Wednesday, June 29, 2011

People Who Say They Love College

Get it straight, no matter how you break it down college is still school and nobody and I mean no body enjoys school. Are you kidding me?!?! If someone comes up to you and says "How's college?" and you respond "I love it", you need a CAT Scan. So you're telling me, you enjoy sitting through 1 or 2 or 3 hour classes with a boring professor rambling about stuff you mostly will never use in your future. Yea!!! That's about as fun as jerking off with sandpaper.

Yes, there are aspect of college LIFE, that are enjoyable. Well that's if you went away to school, and by away I don't mean you live on Staten Island and dormed at Wagner College. That's called a waste of ten grand a year and you bet your ass if I was your parent you better say you love it. College life is enjoyable, you're on your own, living in a strange place, no parents to answer to and kind of just doing your own thing. Yes, that's pretty damn cool. But for the majority of the week (well not all of you, some of you had a bullshit major and dragged your feet and took 12 credits a semester) your in a classroom. That's not fun.

Next time someone asks you, "How's school?", answer with this. "I am potentially failing out, but minus the education part, I am getting belligerent drunk 5 days a week, potentially have an STD, and I put on 20 pounds."

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