Saturday, June 25, 2011

More On Gay Marriage

More on gay marriage being legalized. It's my opinion and I really do not care what other people think. This might come as a shock to most of you but if you're gay and want to get married, enjoy. You want to be happy go ahead. I've never had a problem with gay people. Gay guys, as long as you don't make me feel uncomfortable you're okay in my book. Just don't talk about your experiences and all that. As for lesbians, I think we all know I'm a huge supporter.

Think of it this way. The divorce rate in the country is what 50%, something in that ballpark. It's not like marriage is not already a joke. We have TV shows, like the Bachelor and all that bullshit. There are the Mormons, who can marry every women they feel necessary. Big deal with the gay people getting married.

Personally, when I buy my own place I want there to be a gay couple living on the block. They are the best to have living a few houses away. As soon as something happens, they will be on the phone calling 311 and getting it taken care of. They will keep their property nice and definitely be the nice house on the block and who else is better to have for decorating tips than a gay couple.

The United States is a funny place. Everyone talks about freedom of religion and all this nonsense but when it comes to certain topics like gay marriage people refer to the Bible and other religious texts. Buddy, you can't do that. The United States is a religious free state, not everyone is Christian, how are you going to quote the Bible on something like this?

Knock your self out gay people. Just do me a favor, don't make a mockery of marriage. Have your wedding in a classy way and not something ridiculous. Be happy, life is short. If it makes you happy, knock yourself out.

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