Friday, August 10, 2012

Women, They Smell The Scent On You

Here's the scenario. You've been hanging out with this girl for a while and you're on the fringe of officially dating. Not there yet, but you're almost there. Suddenly there's a picture of you on facebook with your new chick and then something amazing happens...Other bitches start hitting you up.

Besides the fact that this is a cunt move, why does this happen? Every time things are going good with a chick that you're talking to suddenly these other girls just start hitting you up like you gave them the best sex they've ever had the night before. It's unbelievable. Why do they do this?

Well here's the deal, now they smell the scent on you. Once they know another chick is with you they all start to wonder. They don't wonder about you though, they wonder about the other girl. They wonder what does this chick you're with have that she doesn't. And then they try to dangle the forbidden fruit in front of you and see if you'll bite. They're jealous that your attention is no longer on them. That's what women do. It's never about the guy, it's always about girl against girl competition.

Don't think they're doing it because they're intested in you still. They might be interested in a late night booty call to try and remind you what you're missing, but that's about it. They'll just try and prove that they're better than that chick you're currently banging. And if you make the dumb move and actually do choose them, you'll be right back out on your ass within two weeks. It's just what women do. They reel you back in and then throw you back out. They're just smelling the scent fella's, don't take the bait. Even if the bait is a naked picture.

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