Saturday, August 11, 2012

Drunk Story Saturday's: This Girl Was An Animal

Drunk Story from Gary (Philadelphia):
"I was in New Orleans finishing up my trip. It was just passed Mardi Gras so it wasn't so crowded but people were still there looking to party. I'm standing on the corner contemplating whether or not to go inside this bar we were in front of with my two friends and suddenly these two girls walk by. One of them had probably the nicest ass I had ever seen so I yelled out something obscene as they walked by. They stopped and came over to us. In my head I was thinking that we were gonna get yelled at for being disrespectful but she just came over to ask who it was and why we were here. I said we were just hanging leaving tomorrow and she said she was there for a tennis tournament. She played for a Big East school and she was smoking hot. As the conversation is going on now I'm thinking to myself how easy that was and how much of a slut this girl must be. We go out with her and her friend and she tells my friend to make out with her friend. He says she had to make out with me first, she did. This girl was all over me like I was some fucking rock star she'd been waiting to fuck for years. I couldn't believe it. Then she kept asking me if I had a condom so we could go in a bathroom somewhere. This girl was legitimately crazy, but a real whore. Twenty minutes later she gets bored of me and starts telling my other friend straight out that she wants to fuck him too. We easily could've double teamed this chick but our hotel was at the airport and she couldn't bring anyone back because she was there with her tennis team. She actually took my number and texted me asking if she could come see me after her trip. I just stopped responding because banging a chick like this would've opened up a whole new can of worms and probably given me herpes. This is what happens when you party with sluts."

Dude how big is your cock that this girl was all over you like this? You should be giving lessons on how to attract women after a story like this. Too bad you couldn't actually fuck her. A girl like that definitely warrants a condom. Way to keep yourself herpes free my son. 

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