Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You Can Never Chill With That Girl Again...

Let's say you're together with a girl and this really hot chick keeps hitting you up. Now, you don't have plans to hang out with the really hot one, and you have rarely answered. You're just friends with her and you've hung out a few times with her in a group of people. Nothing has ever happened but she likes hanging out with you. Your girl that you're with sees the text and gets pretty pissed. What do you do? 

I'll tell you the first thing you don't do. You don't ever make any sort of inquiry as to how hot that other girl is. Women are jealous creatures, and as soon as they think that you're interested in someone else or they think you have a chance with someone else, they get more jealous than a three year old kid who just had a baby brother or sister. Now they want all the attention in case they feel you straying away from them a little bit. You know what else you don't do? You don't ever use a dumb statement like, "Well she's really hot, so could I get a hall pass?" Once those words come out of your mouth, say goodbye to that chick. 

Why? Because you're an idiot and you didn't keep her in the friend bracket. You were a jackass and you implied that you wanted to bang her. Of course you want to bang her, you have a penis and she's hot. But you don't tell your girlfriend or the girl you're dating that. Because now not only can you not ever hang out with this really hot chick ever again, you can never even speak to her ever again. Like you can't do anything that involves this broads name ever again because the girl you're dating will rip your balls off and feed them to a pitt bull right in front of you. 

What happens when you can never chill with that girl again? Your girl probably loses a little bit of trust in you, and now every girl you claim to be "friends" with will be in question for a very long period of time until proven otherwise. Not only can you never chill with the hot girl again, but you can barely hang out with the mediocre but cool one's without hearing shit about it. Basically, keep the other chicks in the friend bracket when you're dating someone. Because if you don't, you might a well just cut your balls off and hand them to your girlfriend. 

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