Friday, March 16, 2012

Defriendment Friday's

I can honestly say I am happy to get rid of this person...

Steve the Hammer

The Culprit: Michelle (last name removed)

Status that broke the camel's back: did those people who bitch about gas prices being high because obama is in office miss that day of economics class when we learned about commodities and supply & demand? this is a serious question, i'm really curious, or are you all really that dumb?

Reason for Defriendment: I have no time for people who talk about politics on facebook. I don't even know why it's taken me this long to defriend you because you don't shut the fuck up about shit like this. There is not one good thing you bring to the facebook table. Your statuses are all annoying bullshit that no one cares about, and you're not even remotely hot so I can't even creep when you get tagged in new pictures. You're a total waste of a facebook friend. I don't defriend people, they defriend themselves. Good riddens to bad rubbish, later broad.

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