Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Sport That Is Women

Yes, it's a game, an event and a chess match all in one. It's what keeps men waking up every day to get themselves ready for what might happen. It's why men go to the gym and learn how to cook. It's all because of one thing and one thing only. It's all because of the sport that is women. 

There's that silly game that we all play where we try and fuck around with each other's heads by not showing too much all the time. We have bits and pieces of what we show, but it's only a small glimpse of how we actually feel about each other. Basically it's like having a boner and tucking it in your waistband. You know it's there, but you don't wanna show it. 

Men do things specifically because of women. Why do you think we shave? Because we want to? No, I would rather go down on Holly Mangold after a weight lifting competition. But we do it because a woman here or there has probably told us that we either look better without facial hair, or because our girlfriend won't make out with us if we have that facial hair. Why are our apartments duded up with comfortable surroundings? Because women like to be comfortable. 

Why do we go out? We go out to get drunk and find women. Whenever dudes go out they always say something like, "I'm getting me some pussy tonight." And it's true, that's what's on their mind. And that's also why they get ready and look good, it's for the ladies. Listen, if a guy could fuck a woman in a cave man's outfit, he wouldn't do anything whatsoever to better himself. Men better themselves because of the sport of women. And that is what keeps the world going. 

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