Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pearescope: The Worst Thing To Happen To Relationships And Sane People Since Facebook

I meet so many people working at a bar that it's actually getting to a point of being ridiculous. Now, with that being said, I met a dude last night who presented an iphone app to myself and my manager. It's called pearescope, and the only use that I could possibly see for it is if you're a stalker or you're a psychopathic ex boyfriend or girlfriend. 

What does it do? Well, I'm glad you asked. It's for when you go out. You go to the app, and the app connects to your facebook. You then get a spotlight, which is basically a radius in which you are located. You then can see if you have facebook friends in the area, or get this, friends of facebook friends. Can I ask why the fuck I want to know if friends of my facebook friends are in the area? 

And like you don't have to have the app for the person to know that you're in the area. Then you can send people that you don't personally know facebook messages asking them where they are. This fucking thing is a stalkers dream. You can see where they are, and where they live also. What the fuck has this world come too? Are they gonna know when I'm jerking off too? I wanted to ask this guy what the fuck is wrong with him and how many people has he murdered since he came up with this. 

Finally, if you have this app forget about lying to your girlfriend or boyfriend about anything. You can't lie and the worst part is that your ex's can find you. This thing is honestly the worst thing to happen to relationships since home wreckers starting writing on facebook walls. Save yourself the trouble, if you see this app, don't download it. Because if you do, you're in for a long season of headache. 

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