Wednesday, October 5, 2011

@jimboslicee's #TweetoftheDay (Girls You're Encouraged To Read This One)

Taking a break from the celeb/athlete tweets today and giving you one from the friends feed

The Person...
- Casey Mulligan @KCMulli22

The Tweet...
- "Some girl on 92.3 just said if the yankees win tonight they move onto the world series to face the texas rangers lol"

The Reaction...
- Before I get too this tweet, I'd like to nip something right now... I am not at all happy with the females who are trying to take shots at us guys on facebook/twitter with their "Oh My Godd, likee I dont even need a tv anymore because I get play by play on facebook" or "don't you have anything better to do than play by play" statuses.

My response to these besides shut the fuck up is, Like oh my god, I don't even need a tv anymore cuz if I ever wanted a play by play of true blood, or gossip girl (which is still on?) etc then I guess all I need is facebook.

Because none of us give a fuck about your whiny I love chuck bass statuses, they don't bother us, so you shouldn't care about our football/baseball statuses. But here in lies the problem, when you try to get involved in something you have clue about, you embarress yourself like this chick on the radio... I mean wow, first off there isnt even a game tonight, it's tomorrow and the world series isn't next genius. I mean I at least know that sookie is a fairy and all the vampires love to feed on her blood because it tastes great.

So how bout instead of thinking you're smart by taking a shot at us use that time to at least know there's 9 players on a baseball field.

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