Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award
What goes through the mind of the person who says, "I'm gonna try and fit my body into the hole in that tree." You're a grown man, you're not six years old. Chances are that you're not fitting into the hole in that tree, which you did not. Think about how ridiculous it sounds when you tell someone that as a grown man you actually got stuck in a tree. You got stuck and started screaming like a little bitch for help. If I was the authorities I would've left your ass there and told you to find a way out. One thing I really don't have time for is stupidity and if you wanna get stuck in a tree, you're finding your own way out. Here's your t-shirt asshole, wear it the next time you think climbing into a tree is a good idea. That way everyone knows you just do shit like this for fun. 

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