Thursday, October 27, 2011

Is She A Slut Because She Dresses Like A Slut On Halloween?

Yes, every year for halloween you will have girls dress like sluts. Actually, about 99.9% of girls dress like a slut on halloween. Why? Because they think that just because it's the one day of the year where they can be whatever they want, dressing like a slut is okay. Well girls, because of that .01% of girls who don't dress like sluts, I'm here to tell you why it's not just okay. 

How come suddenly just because it's halloween you're all under the impression that it's perfectly fine to have your entire ass hanging out and just stickers covering your nipples? Since when was that ever okay? Do I mind it? Absolutely not, but don't walk around saying that just because you're dressed like a slut doesn't make you a slut, because you're giving off the wrong impression. 

It's like running up to a fireman, telling him to come help with a fire, and then him turning to you and saying, "Just because I'm wearing this outfit doesn't mean I'm a fireman." You would be more confused than a 6 year old walking in on his parents fucking. 

Here's my suggestion. If you're gonna dress like a slut on halloween, then you better go the whole nine yards. Dress like a slut, go home with a random dude and bang him. If you wanna be something you're not, then at least take full responsibility and do it all the way. If not, then wear something not slutty, that way us guys don't get the wrong idea. 


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