Friday, October 21, 2011

Attention Whore: A Male and Female Condtion

I have been quite silent lately, for that I apologize. I know I have been missed and these frequent leaves have been killing everyone, for that I also apologize. Before I get into my article, I just wanted to tell the kid who thinks he is a tough guy anonymously commenting on my last article, you obviously know who I am, get my number from someone and let's see what you have to say then.

So we begin. The attention whore is synonymously linked with females, and I think this is wrong. Its like saying "AIDS" and immediately thinking of Africa. Yes, like a quarter of the population has it but so do other places. My point is, that most attention whores are girls but there are male attention whores. Some of you might be shaking or scratching your heads, that just means you don't pay attention to your surroundings. My advice, pay attention, you might get hit by a car.

Ever go to the gym and see the guy grunting on his warm up set, or drinking his gallon of water, or dressed to the nines where he would probably make it into a club in Manhattan. Yea that's an attention whore. Loud grunts turn heads, it's a fact. Loud grunt translated mean "Hey everyone look at me while I bench press".

I have a theory and I will conduct a study to prove it. Guys with the one gallon jugs of water are hung like a light switch. It all goes back to Sigmund Freud's study on males preoccupation with size, yes I payed some attention to the pointless psych class I took junior yr. It's the same thing about driving a hummer. Translation: "My dick is petite, I need big things". And it goes back to "eyes on me".
If you are a male attention whore, take a long look deep down inside and realize you are a man. Being the center of attention at all times shouldn't be a priority. Also they sell some pills for that dick problem of yours.

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