Saturday, October 1, 2011

Drunk Story Saturday's: Who's Driving?

Drunk Story from Dan (UCONN)

One night I go out to a bar with my roommate and we have to call our other roommate to pick us up. Our other roommate let's call him Jimmy, picks us up in my jeep. It's my jeep so I jump in the back seat. My roommate let's call him Mike is blacked out in the front seat yelling, "Why the fuck is the meter running?" This kid thought we were in a fucking taxi. So I'm in the back seat trying to calm him down and I explain to him that we're in my jeep, not in a taxi. He jumps from the front passenger seat to me in the back seat and says, "Wait, you're driving, you're too fucked up to drive." I then have to explain to him that we're in my car and our roommate Jimmy is driving. He finally calms down and jumps back in the front seat. We then get to our house and Mike is standing on the front lawn trying to pay Jimmy. He thinks that our roommate Jimmy is the fucking cab driver still, thinks we took a cab home, and is trying to pay our roommate. We continue explaining to him that Jimmy drove us home, not a cab. He goes in the house, where our other roommate decided to throw a party while we were gone, heads upstairs to his room and passes out on the floor for like a half hour. He comes back downstairs a half hour later, grabs a beer out of the fridge, walks over to Jimmy, pats him on the back and says, "Man, thanks for driving us home tonight."

This reminds me so much of the Steve the Pirate thing in Dodgeball

1 comment:

  1. This blog is very much interesting. It includes lot of fun related instances related to drinks.
