Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Double Team

I heard a story from a good friend of mine about a girl who broke up with her boyfriend because he doubled team some chick with his friend. My first question was, "Is this real life?" And my second question was, "Why?" Two dudes and one chick should not turn a guy on. It's different if it's two girls and one dude, that's cool. But two dudes and one girl, that just ain't right. 

First of all, guys, what is so appealing about this? When I'm with a chick, I want it to be all about me. I want her to please me, whether it's with her mouth or her vagina. I don't want to have to have her worrying about my dick and someone else's dick at the same time, and I don't want to have to worry about touching tips with you. You're not looking this girl in the eye when you're in the middle of a three way with another dude. You're probably trying not to look the other guy in the eye and also not look below the other guy's waist. It's just not a good time. 

Now for the girls. The pain that you must endure during this adventure has to be ungodly. I mean you don't even have time to breathe. Having one dick in your mouth and one dick between your legs at the same time is probably not in any way enjoyable. Five minutes in you're probably getting twisted and turned so much that you look like a fucking pig being roasted at a Hawaiian luau. Except instead of an apple in your mouth it's a dick. Is that really enjoyable for you? 

As my friend said, "Whenever I hear of a girl doing that I'm hoping that she's okay, let alone judging her." And I totally agree. This girl in the picture up top probably couldn't get out of bed for three days after she got destroyed by those two dudes. So call me crazy, but a double team just doesn't seem all that appetizing to me. Next time you're thinking about a potential double team, think about this post, and think whether or not you really wanna go through with it. I'm talking to both men and ladies. 

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