Friday, October 14, 2011

As Much As You Think They Are, Your Friends Aren't Helping The Cause...

A dumb friend that every guy wants to punch in the face, every girl has one. Yes, that makes perfect sense. If a guy is talking to a girl, that girl has a girl friend who he wants to punch in the face. Do I need to explain this any more or does everyone have it down now? Perfect, now let's move on to the real issue at hand. 

Let's say you're a girl who likes a guy. You are out with your friend and this guy that you like is there. You introduce this guy to your friend and she suddenly starts bludgeoning him with questions and references that happen to be all about you. Here is a bit of advice. THIS IS NOT HELPING YOUR CAUSE AT ALL. If anything, this is sending this guy running for the hills. 

Why? If a guy is on the fence about whether or not he wants to continue talking to you, your friend making it like all you talk about is him is not going to make him lean towards you. This is just gonna make him think that you're obsessed with him and have him asking himself how he got into the situation that he is currently in. Your friend should just sit back, mind her own business, and keep her mouth shut for the time being. If she would like to give you advice afterwards, then that's all well and good. But when it's in the trenches, your friend should not be speaking. 

If a guy is interested in you then you'll know it. You don't need your friend there talking you up like you're a fucking used car that's for sale. This guy is not going to have the slightest bit of interest in you if you have a friend that he wants to punch in the face. That's just the way it is. Therefore, learn from this scenario and try not to let it happen. If you see that friend of yours about to open her big mouth, get her out of there as soon as possible. It's the best thing you can do in that situation. 

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