Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Does Her Drink Say About Her?

What are you drinking? Whenever people go out, that is the question most often asked. So since I actually have a female who can write, I'm gonna save the guy part of this question for her to write about. But I am going to write about the women here. Since alcohol is a big part of me making money, I do a lot of observing what people drink. I can tell you what she drinks says about her...or at least what I interpret. 

She's drinking beer. Now, depending on the beer, she's saying something different. If she's drinking some shitty piss water light beer, she's basically just saying I'm broke and looking to get impregnated by some rich guy. But if she's drinking a good beer like a Stella or even a Blue Moon, she's saying I'm classy and I like good conversation, but I'll also rock your world in the bedroom. 

For women, vodka just means I like to party. Every girl I see drinking vodka just wants to rage. Whether it's a vodka martini, or whatever else consists of vodka, women who drink vodka just want to black out and not give a fuck what happens for the rest of their night. Women drinking vodka are definitely the most fun to party with. 

Depends on how they use the gin. A gin martini is usually someone over the age of 40, who's married and just wants to have one or two casual one's and be done with it. Gin mixed drinks just say that they really don't feel like vodka tonight and they're gonna try to switch it up. They still just wanna get housed, but it's more of a change of pace I'm feeling loose tonight type of deal. 

If she drinks rum she barely blacks out and she hides her drunkenness really well. She'll drink for hours and you won't even know that she's drunk. She's down to earth, her eyes never change, her demeanor never changes, and you tend to think that she has been throwing her drink on the floor instead of actually drinking it. You'll only know she's drunk when she starts saying things she normally wouldn't say sober. But there's still no slurring of words and you still try figuring out whether or not she's actually drunk. 

Tequila says I'm loose and I'm down to have sex with every guy in the bar. Whether it's straight shots or mixed drinks, women who consistently drink tequila are freaks in the sheets and they just love dick all day every day. Women who drink tequila can also suck the head off a quarter. 

This says I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me I am going to get absolutely hammered and I don't care if you judge me. If you get a girl drinking whiskey with a girl drinking vodka, you're either getting a crazy threesome and/or a cat fight. Both of which are an absolutely phenomenal deal for a guy. Also, a girl who drinks whiskey isn't gonna take shit from any guy. You hit on her, you better do it right or she's just gonna shit on you and walk away. 

If you're at a bar on a Friday or Saturday night and you're drinking wine or sangria you're basically saying I'm a total bitch, the world revolves around me and I am the biggest pain in the ass in the world. However, if you're drinking wine or sangria for dinner or on a slow night where you're only having a few, you're classy and you have a good head on your shoulders. Pick and choose wisely when to drink your wine or sangria. 

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