Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Scheming With Friends...

Words with Friends, it has been going on for so long now and has grown so much that it is now a fan favorite for everyone with an iphone, android or even a facebook account. You can play anytime, anywhere, and most importantly, with anyone. And that is the key to what I am about to explain, the fact that you can play with anyone. 

Words with Friends has now become the equivalent of the facebook poke. Let's just say you see on facebook that someone has words with friends. Your facebook is now linked with your cell phone so you have facebook friends in your phone who's numbers you do not have. Now it gets interesting. You can play with anyone of those facebook friends from your phone because they also have words with friends. 

Now you play that girl who you used to "go out" with in like seventh grade. You don't have her number, but guess what? You can message each other through words with friends. Suddenly she messages you and you exchange numbers and it's off to the races. Words with Friends has now gotten you speaking to this girl you knew when you were younger and now you're making plans to hang out. What happens from there is up to you. 

Words with Friends has now become Scheming with Friends. It is a new way to scope out prey and scheme on a girl who you know, but you don't really talk to often. Is it an innocent game of scrabble? Or is it a seed planted that you are hoping to bang once it grows into a plant? I'm saying it's a seed. Who needs when you can just scheme with friends? 

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