Monday, February 27, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


Shout out to the Sloth man for this one. I have a question. What makes you wake up one day and say to yourself, "I think I'm gonna get naked and steal a fire truck today,"? No I know they're not saying it in the article, but I am speculating that either drugs, alcohol, or both were involved in this matter. Why? Oh I don't know, maybe because he got naked and drove a fire truck through town like Rob Gronkowski hammered and driving a wheel barrel filled with cinderblocks down a hill. Just completely out of control with no regard for anyone in the way. Wait, and then after he crashed the fire truck he decide to start assaulting two police officers. Nice try bro, I would've tazed you faster than John Goodman gets to the food at his dinner table. Here's your t-shirt big guy. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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