Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She's Not Needy, She Just Wants This Right Now

You have to love women who claim that they're not needy in any way, shape or form because it's total bullshit. They all claim to be independent and in no need of any man, meanwhile if they have a man and don't get their exact way they end up losing their shit. It's something no guy wants to deal with and when they have to deal with, we want to kill you. 

"I mean, I don't really need a guy to do things for me." Really? You don't? Your dad still takes your car to get gas and you're like 21 years old, you're needy as fuck. And you complain about things until you get what you want all the time. You don't need that specific thing that you're being a pain in the ass about, you just want it right this second. 

And let me tell you that when you constantly need things and can't deal with shit yourself, guys want to smack you across the face with a two by four. "Oh my god, my best friend is mad at me and I don't know what to do." Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do? She's not my friend, she's yours. You deal with it because I don't want to, or need to for that matter. Also, if you need me to hold your phone while you go to the bathroom, you need a kick to the teeth. 

Does this sound cold and heartless? No. We pay for things, we take you out, we do enough for you. All we ask in return is that you can handle yourself in the event that we kick the bucket. Some of you girls don't stand a chance, others actually can hold your own. But for the one's who don't stand a chance, it's time for a serious reality check. 

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