Wednesday, February 15, 2012

He Lost His Balls Many Years Ago...

Have you ever seen a guy who has been in a relationship for such a long time that he is just completely a broken man with no way out? Yeah, well I have witnessed this and it is a terrible sight to see. You know it's bad when a guy looks right at you and says, "Buddy, I lost my balls years ago." No son, you just gave up. 

How did it get to this point? Why did you let it get to the point of you getting neutered by your girlfriend? You have control over the situation sometimes and you two could always meet each other halfway, that's what happens when you're in a relationship. There is no reason for you to just let her cut your balls off like you're a dog in heat.   

Even worse, you're at the point where she thinks you're an ATM hotline. She calls your cell phone and says, "Hey, Citibank I need to take out some more money." You just respond with, "It's not Citibank it's your boyfriend." Finally the conversation ends with, "Well in that case, can I have like $300 baby?" Of course you oblige. You have no choice. If you don't give her the money she complains until you kill yourself or she just withholds sex from you. It's not even a fair fight. 

It all started one day with her withholding sex from you and ever since then, you've been a broken man. At some point you need to regain your balls back or just continue to be miserable with your mediocre life. It's up to you. But if you lost your balls years ago, you can always get them back. You just have to reach deep down and grab them. 

Sidenote: How often to women withhold sex from their guy? Can they last that long without sex? 

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