Monday, February 28, 2011

Asshole of the Day Award

My Asshole of the Day Award goes to this dumb fucking Canadian guy

How much more of an asshole could you possibly be? To stand on the steps of the German Parliament building and do the "Hail Hitler" sign, while making your girlfriend take a picture of you, might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. This is like my fourth post involving a retard from Canada, like what the fuck is in the drinking water up there? Maybe too many hits to the head playing hockey, I have no fucking clue. So this actually comes as no surprise to me that my Asshole of the Day Award would go to a Canadian, maybe one of these assholes will go to Italy and try to hail Mussolini. I would love to see how that shit turned out. They'd probably burn you at the stake publicly for doing that shit over there.

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