Friday, December 7, 2012

Some Women Really Think They Shouldn't Have to Pay For Anything

There really are some women who think they're entitled to free shit just because they have vaginas. Like the other night at the bar. I worked a 100 person party that had a three hour top shelf open bar. Literally three full hours of drinking whatever you want and not paying for it because it was on the fucking company since it was a holiday party.

Now when the open bar ends it becomes a cash bar obviously. This one woman just wanted to be the biggest cunt on the planet though. I made her drink and then told her it's a cash bar now the open bar is finished. She said hold on and then came back and told me to put it on this dudes tab. I checked with him, it was fine. But eventually, he would leave and there were no tabs open. This was when the curveball was thrown at her.

I gave her a drink and she said again to put it on that same guy's tab. I said he left his tab wasn't open anymore, pay me. She then has the balls to ask me who's tabs were open. I told her listen lady, I can lose my job for telling you who's tab is open. You haven't given me a fucking dollar in the four hours that you've been here, I don't get paid by the hour I only make tips and no you're not getting it for free so give me nine dollars for the drink. What did she do? Instead of paying for it, she went over to another fucking guy. He came over to me and paid for her fucking drink.

And I was like sitting there baffled because this bitch was like 55 years old, not hot, and just a conniving cunt. Meanwhile, she's getting free drinks from every guy that she just goes up to and asks. Listen ladies, you don't deserve free shit just because you have a vagina. And if you're getting free shit at least tip your fucking bartender. That's all for me, have a great fucking weekend.

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