Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Am I a Bad Guy Because I Want to Beat Up the Kid Who Picks Up Weights at My Gym?

Alright so I feel like I needed to bring this up because I was so jacked up about it while I was working out this morning that I needed to vent to someone. So what better forum than the three and a half people who read this blog? I say three and a half because I'm pretty sure there is a midget out there who reads this with the nasty email I got yesterday about those midgets racing the camel video. But that's neither here nor there at the moment.

Anyway, there's this kid who works at the gym who's like 18 years old and he has one job and one job only. Well actually two jobs but whatever. But the main part of his job is to walk around and pick up the weights that people leave laying around. It is very, very hard to suck at this job. I could get a fucking monkey on the street to be good at this job. BUT this kid SUCKS at this job.

No, he doesn't suck because he doesn't do a good job picking up the weights. He sucks for two reasons. The first reason is because he is ALWAYS in the fucking way. I'm trying to squat and he is literally standing next to the squat rack picking up every fucking weight in the middle of my set. How fucking dumb are you? Wait until I'm not there, you're just in my way and fucking my whole shit up. Then he's like walking under the bar doing the limbo while I'm trying to squat. Dude, get the fuck out of my way. Then he gets in my way again for his side job, which entails windexing the mirrors and making sure they're clean. And he does that while I'm still in the fucking squat rack to. GET AWAY UNTIL I'M DONE. It's not a hard concept.

And then the second reason he sucks is because he is probably a retard. I'm sorry to use the word retard, but let's call a spade a spade here. He just throws any weight, anywhere, with no concept of anything. He sandwiches tens between 45's, he puts like a two and a halfs in between a 25 and a 10, like he just fucks up every rack endlessly. How are you that bad at this job? Put the fucking weights together. Everyone knows that the 45's go on the bottom rack. No, not him. He fucking stacks them in the middle, then puts a 25 underneath and you can't get the 25 out without moving the three 45's that are above it. What the fuck dude?

Am I a bad guy because I want to brutally beat the shit out of this kid whenever he's working when I'm at the gym? I don't think so. I think if you're as clueless as him and you suck at your job you need an ass kicking. But maybe I'm being too hard on the kid? I don't know. I'll let you decide.

1 comment:

  1. Update us if he starts taking the 45s off your barbell DURING a set
