Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It Has to Be Demoralizing For a Chick to Not Get Any Likes When She Changes Her Relationship Status on Facebook

Once again a facebook story taking the cake here. A female had changed her relationship status from "in a relationship" to "single". I had noticed that there were zero likes on it. At first I thought she had just put it up a few seconds ago and it was going to blow up with likes from guys eventually. But then I looked at the timeframe and it was from two hours ago. Is this the most demoralizing thing for a woman?

I mean let's be honest, whenever a really hot girl changes her facebook relationship status it's like blood in the water for sharks. Guys from everywhere start hitting the like button like it's going out of style. But when you're a girl who isn't on that top tier level of hot, is it just demoralizing that not one dude likes the fact that you're now single?

I would think so right? I mean you would expect to at least get a few dudes who are just ready to pounce on you. When you're newly single is when your stock is at its highest. That's when everyone knows you're going out just looking for a rebound bang and there are just lines of dudes ready to be that guy. But what if there's no line? Is this the worst thing that can happen to a woman?

Like your man doesn't want you anymore and now other guys don't want you either. I can just foresee this demoralizing a woman's self esteem and having her resort to making money by grinding on a pole in nothing but a thong. I can't picture anything being less demoralizing for women who already have fragile psyches to begin with. B Slata, where are you at on this one?

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